Sand down ruff areas on PLA Print
Used clear coat long wear nail polish that contains ethyl acetate as first ingredient. 1-2 layers are usually enough. [tip] Use used dryer fabric sheets to rub nail polish into print for smoother consistent finish.
Once dry, scuffs are gone and treated areas look smoother.
Does the part that has nail polish on it look dramatically smoother? In the sense that in order for the whole model to look uniformed, you’ll have to go over the whole print?
The dryer sheet helps “blend” and reduces shine.If using the dryer sheet you do not need to cover the whole print but I recommend it to do so. The ethyl acetate I’ve noticed fills in the print lines to give it a smoother finish.
In the photos I uploaded into the post I did not use a dryer sheet. When I have a new print I need to sand down I will upload before and after photos to demonstrate what the dryer sheet does.
Cool, totally missed that part about the dryer sheets when I first read this, but that makes sense. Nail polish is also not as dangerous a chemical to work with— and it already has a brush built in. Pretty handy idea