Suggestion: Allow design file types

The site only allows .STL and .OBJ files to be uploaded, even if they are inside a zip file.

This means that it becomes very hard to create derivative works because you cannot upload source files such as:

.prt, .sldprt, .asm, .sldasm (Solidworks)
.scad (Openscad)
.dwg, .dxf (AutoCAD)
.stp, .step (General)
.ipt, .iam, .ipj (Inventor)
.skp (Sketchup)

Users have to reinvent the wheel from scratch.

Also take a look at some thingiverse posts and there are no .stl files, just .scad files so the users can modify the design to suit them. (Search “scad” on thingiverse and you get over 3900 results)



Just checking in on this after 5 weeks to see if it’s possible, etc.


Nearly all of the things I put on Thingiverse are items that I expect will be modified by the user to fit their situation. For that reason I always include the .scad files. The items would often be useless with out it. It would be a shame if that’s why I can’t upload files here. I guess I could upload the .stl’s here then direct them to Thingiverse…

It also a problem for me.

Still waiting on this…

Redirect them to Thingiverse is what I’ve done also, but its a poor solution!
Pinshape are just missing out on great content by being so picky about file formats.

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