Hi, my name is Sergio from 3DNG.
I am having an issue with one user “NT” from New York
First, he downloaded one of my models and then uploaded it to his Pinshape profile, he took even the pictures and tried to claim it was his design and sell the damned thing (iCableguards). I reported the object and direct messaged him, it has since been taken down.
However this same user then left a comment in the original page “IT DOESNT FIT SHIT” and then proceeded to download another one of my models!
My request is that there should be a “block” button so we can individually ban users from accessing our rightfully owned designs (free or paid). This way we can stop being abused from bad and bullish users of the platform in its tracks and “relegate” the trolls in their own troll pit.
Please do something about this, I like to contribute on this and other platforms, but if the proper tools to prevent the abuse arent in place the whole community suffers.
Want to keep contributing, please help me