Here, at Pinshape, we’re working to make 2015 the best year yet for our community, which means some site improvements are coming to make sharing, selling and accessing amazing 3D printable designs even easier!
That’s why, as of February 15, 2015, we will be removing the professional printing service option from Pinshape and shifting our efforts to creating an even simpler and more inclusive platform for sharing downloads and streams of amazing designs to be printed at home.
Don’t worry! This won’t remove any of the current designs available. We’ll remove the print option from current designs, but leave the currently selected download and/or stream files as they are.
Have a design print that you still want to order? Make sure to place your order before February 14, 2015 (11:59:59 PST)!
We look forward to showing you the new and improved Pinshape!
What do you think about the changes coming to Pinshape? Let us know and ask any questions you have for us here!
I’m curious why, but I’m happy with the decision because all I’ve ever supplied is home 3D printable items. However, I get the sense that I’m in the minority here on pinshape, so I wonder how this will effect the majority of designers who apparently have no idea how to design for home 3D printing. Time will tell, I guess.
Now, a comprehensive HOWTO design for home printing would be an amazing resource to educate/help designers sharpen their skills. Perhaps this is the direction Pinshape will go.
It was so nice to have a place to print multiple part files for the nylon sls powder printing since shapeways changed their policy. I really enjoyed the service even if their were some issues (nothing that shapeways doesn’t have anyway on a regular basis).
90% of why I am here was for the printing service, and to get my doll parts printed, but now I don’t know what will happen.
Their are tons of print file sites, or 3d model sharing places online, not much to make pinshape stand out anymore.
May stick around for the contest though and keep uploading the occasional item to share, but not as much incentive.
pinshape was using sculpteo, however they had some kind of deal that got the prints at a more reasonable price, the same model and file on pinshape is 2-3 times the cost on sculpteo’s site.
Sorry for the delay, but our payment system has now been fixed and you should have no trouble completing the order. Please let me know if it works for you. We will be taking the print service down around 10am PST tomorrow, Sunday, Feb 15.