Looking for filigree type designs

looking for filigree type design to be made for an artistic table creation something like the attached if at all possible or if anyone already has something made.filigree-drawing-14


here is one i made for a table I sold:

Would that work? I have a few others if you are interested.

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Here is another:

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Yeah it’s one like this that I’m looking for but without the l bracket part? It’s going to be stuck on a vertical face beside a drawer if you know what I mean?

Though this one is nice and simple

I can wack the brackets off if you like.

That would be awesome!

You want the last picture right? The white one on the table?

Message me your email and I’ll send them to you for free. I’m feeling generous today LOL. Happy Monday!

It’s [email protected]!! Thanks a lot! Absolute life saver!

Glad I could help!! E-mail should be in your inbox!


I would love to revisit this as a future project.