3D printer space for the printers supported by streaming function

I dont own a FDM/FFM but that does not mean I cant do design for them. But I don`t know the maximum space and minimum space of them.

Will be better when enabled “streaming” file , to have some way of auto-calculation of space and warn the designer about it ?

Even the stream function must have some way to list : streamable to printer x minimum space x :smile:

Some details like there are for SLS machines and stuff (That yeah I don`t own any lol) / Wax printing machines.

Or a basic …long list of them :smiley:

Thank you!

PS: Maybe Auntentise guys do something about it , it is their software doing it!

My response here is purely personal. As a 3D printer owner I do not trust streaming. I don’t trust that your service can produce prints that work for my printer. If something goes wrong I’ve lost my paid print and have to pay for another or fight customer service. Why anyone would offer streaming service I don’t know. The customer headache alone isn’t worth it. Why anyone would choose to purchase a streaming file I don’t know.

When 3D printers are as fast and reliable as the replicators in Star Trek. Then, and only then, could you sell me a streaming service, like netflix but for things. Then I’ll consider streaming a good idea.