Google form "print to win eSun filament"

Hi everybody,
a couple of days ago I received a mail with the link to a google form to receive a spool of filament from esun (I was super happy and still I can’t believe that I’m a winner :grinning: ), I filled the form and then sent it but I didn’t receive any response of the reception of my form, also if I go to the link on my mail the form is still active. I have to recompile it or it’s ok?
Thanks :slight_smile:

If you didn’t enter a competition, how could you win anything?

Have you just gone and provided your personal details to a phishing scam? If the URL that you went to is not Esun, then you should now change all of your passwords etc.

Hi, thanks for the reply but I think that I don’t understand what you are saying.
Obviously I first entered the contest, my only dubt is “I will receive a confirm of the compiled module or not?”