[FIXED] MadeSolid prints Contest entries were not taken into account


i already tried contacting Karen on this issue but didn’t get any reply yet.
My prints have the Filament Brand field set to MadeSolid from the very beginning but they aren’t listed in the entries at the contest site.
My prints are the followings:

please fix this issue.
Kind regards

appendix: as i am only allowed to post 2 links, here is my third print:

tagging @nick_schwing .

The pinshape team should be back in office today to review the issue.

Hi Klaus,

We’ve highlighted this bug as urgent and will get a fix out ASAP! Not to worries though, because your entries will be counted towards the contest!

Sorry for not responding sooner!

Hi @Klaus_Daume,

This has now been fixed and your entry should show up on https://pinshape.com/contests/madesolid-prints-contest!

Thanks for bearing with us while we fixed the bug!

Thank you very much Karen and the Pinshape support team. I completely understand delayed responses between Christmas and new year.

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