3D Preview Renders Overexposed

I’m wondering why my 3D previews start out looking ok then in about 1 second become overexposed and all washed out? Is there a way to assign materials? I’m posting .stl files. Any ideas?


same for me… i think the first second is a pre rendered picture, then it’s realtime rendering (overexposed)

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Hey guys, thanks for bringing this up. It looks like the default scene settings are pretty blown out and hard to see. We will update it for sure.

On a side note… how often do you look at the 3D previews, and how valuable do you find them?

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each time… it’s the better way to look at the quality of a model when the designer didn’t put a view for each sides/top/bottom. it will be even better if the 3d preview was the first in the row of pictures

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I just noticed if you follow the link to Clara.io you have a few more options in how the render appears.